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Windscreens for Maestros and Montegos

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  • Windscreens for Maestros and Montegos

    With various members and forum users having difficulty in obtaining windscreens for their car I contacted Pilkington Glass
    Prices are as follows and do not include VAT. There is a 6-8 week wait for the company to make them.
    Although not cheap, if your insurance company can't find one you can point them here

    7013ABZBZ1C Rover Montego £251.65
    7013ABZ Rover Montego £210.47
    7013ABZBL Rover Montego £251.65
    7013ABZBZ Rover Montego £251.65
    7013ABZGN Rover Montego £251.65

    7011ABZ1C Rover Maestro £301.87
    7011ABZBZ1C Rover Maestro £332.44
    7011ABZ Rover Maestro £278.05
    7011ABZBL Rover Maestro £332.45
    7011ABZBZ Rover Maestro £332.45

    Rimmer Brothers are charging £270.83 plus VAT for the Montego Windscreen and I can't see any Maestro options on the site
    Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 5th November 2014, 08:24.
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
    1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
    2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
    2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox

  • #2
    Jeff - what does the club have left in terms of windscreens?


    • #3
      Hi Jeff - its greatly appreciated you have done this - as it seems to be a indefinite supply now.

      Regarding the eurocodes - why so many variations? I thought they were all the same? I'm prepared to be enlightened though.

      What eurocode would a mg maestro turbo be?


      mike... Home of the Twincharged Maestro.

      2014 Vauxhall Mokka 4x4 Turbo - Tech line


      • #4
        Originally posted by ChrisM View Post
        Jeff - what does the club have left in terms of windscreens?
        Not sure, think clear Maestro windscreens but I may be wrong.
        Will check
        1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
        1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
        1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
        2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
        2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


        • #5
          Originally posted by Mike Brock View Post
          Hi Jeff - its greatly appreciated you have done this - as it seems to be a indefinite supply now.

          Regarding the eurocodes - why so many variations? I thought they were all the same? I'm prepared to be enlightened though.

          What eurocode would a mg maestro turbo be?


          I assume the codes are for
          Clear with top tint?
          Bronze with bronze top tint
          Bronze with blue top tint
          Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 5th November 2014, 10:34.
          1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
          1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
          1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
          2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
          2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


          • #6
            I used this chap when I had a new windscreen fitted to my Maestro. He had the screen I needed (clear) in stock, came out to me, supplied and fitted for £130 cash. Think he covers the whole of Essex.

            1985 Austin Maestro 1.3 Base (B662 DVX)


            • #7
              hi newby here but my bro on ere but please don't ask me his screen name at min havet a clue , had to rely to this , I had a accident with my bonnet other week and smash the windscreen (not happy) but replace by national windscreen (Mansfield branch) they got screen with in 24 hour but trim not made any more so had to make one up come out n fitted cost !!! was £11o all in this was best price I had but dearest was 185? and I can upload invoice to ?cheers


              • #8
                Originally posted by bloodyheap View Post
                hi newby here but my bro on ere but please don't ask me his screen name at min havet a clue , had to rely to this , I had a accident with my bonnet other week and smash the windscreen (not happy) but replace by national windscreen (Mansfield branch) they got screen with in 24 hour but trim not made any more so had to make one up come out n fitted cost !!! was £11o all in this was best price I had but dearest was 185? and I can upload invoice to ?cheers
                Montego or Maestro?
                1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                • #9
                  Originally posted by ChrisM View Post
                  Jeff - what does the club have left in terms of windscreens?
                  6 Maestro
                  9 Montego
                  All clear ones
                  Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 6th November 2014, 15:07.
                  1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                  1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                  1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                  2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                  2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                  • #10
                    I had one made and fitted this year for £105 by National Mobile Windscreens. They made me a bronze one and the price included a new rubber seal.

                    The highest price from that list plus VAT is £398.94. Nearly four times the cost from National Mobile Windscreens.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by matthewsemple View Post
                      I had one made and fitted this year for £105 by National Mobile Windscreens. They made me a bronze one and the price included a new rubber seal.

                      The highest price from that list plus VAT is £398.94. Nearly four times the cost from National Mobile Windscreens.
                      That's a great price Matt.
                      Do you have any other details or is it just a national number
                      I only put these up as a club members insurance couldn't get one and some are struggling to get one. It's only for reference not recommendation.
                      Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 15th November 2014, 04:31.
                      1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                      1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                      1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                      2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                      2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jeff Turbo View Post
                        That's a great price Matt.
                        Do you have any other details or is it just a national number
                        I only put these up as a club members insurance couldn't get one and some are struggling to get one. It's only for reference not recommendation.
                        I understand. I dealt with the depot closest to the car which was the Swindon branch. They organised the rest.

                        If it's through insurance the excess is usually about £70 so if the screen costs £400 that is no concern of the owner. However the rubber seal is about £30 and not covered by the insurance. So my recent screen which I paid for myself cost no more than going through insurance.


                        • #13
                          My new monty has a crack and a chip in the screen. It looks like a green tint. "7013ABZGN" would the "GN" stand for green?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ianf99 View Post
                            My new monty has a crack and a chip in the screen. It looks like a green tint. "7013ABZGN" would the "GN" stand for green?
                            Would have to assume so yes, go through your insurance company
                            1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                            1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                            1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                            2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                            2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                            • #15
                              Are you sure it is a green tinted screen? They do exist, but only original export Gulf States spec Montegos had green tinted glass. As yours is that nice green1.6LX model, then as standard it would have had a bronze tinted screen with the old fashioned bronze darker tinted shade band, but of course you could replace the screen with whatever you like
                              Last edited by Simon; 11th December 2014, 23:06.
                              M&MOC Committee Member - Archivist
                              Join the M&MOC | Visit the Club Shop | Printable Club Flyer (PDF)

