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Black 1984 MG Montego efi with digital dash

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  • All done and I didn't break the glass. Just the other side to do and they can go on the car
    Attached Files
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
    1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
    2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
    2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


    • As you can see the older type is an alloy inner surround but the newer is plastic so cheaper to make.
      Attached Files
      1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
      1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
      1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
      2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
      2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


      • Doorcards finished, will be using the small retaining clips as per original on three of the doors as I've near run out of the small white brackets I've used to upgrade in the past. Had to adapt another rear card from a later model with electric windows, New speakers also on so just have to remove the blue tape on the rear card. No idea how old that is.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 24th August 2020, 14:01.
        1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
        1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
        1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
        2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
        2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


        • Many thanks dave, correct part numbered early radiator for my car. 36 years old and looking near new. Happy days
          Attached Files
          1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
          1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
          1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
          2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
          2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


          • More done today, 3 door cards on, new speakers all working, steering column surround back on, original digital display back in the car, and back to 54,000 miles. Rear seat bolsters in, did the same to the drivers side door mirror to a new one, both are now on the car. Just need to find 2 rear door brackets somewhere in my spares to put the last door card on then the interior is finished. Also managed to get a second radiator that's being modified from an MGF one
            Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 15th September 2020, 14:48.
            1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
            1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
            1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
            2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
            2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


            • Today was cleaning day as the engine and bay are covered in old oil and I'm getting oily each time I open the bonnet. First coat of red engine paint on, NOS Radiator on, Replacement fuel filter on. Removed the expansion tank, washer bottle, and air filter housing for cleaning and painting. Unfortunately an oil pipe broke, breather pipe junction fell apart, thermostat housing top small pipe broke in half. I have replacement for the thermostat housing top and will fit that at a later date. Luckily the thermostat top bolts came out with any problems, but I will clean up the threads before putting back on
              Attached Files
              Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 25th October 2020, 14:08.
              1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
              1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
              1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
              2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
              2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


              • More done over the past few days, Engine block now has 3 coats of paint but before I put the final coat on I just had to do something about the black cylinder head as I don't like it. black paint now slowly being removed back to the original alloy colour. Oil breather now back on, thermostat and cover now on, cleaned expansion tank also now on, the amount of rust in it was unreal but its clean now. Also cleaned up and ready to put back on is the washer bottle after I clean up the back of the engine bay. Distributor I've also removed and ready to replaced with a new one from my spares as it's a bit knackered
                Attached Files
                Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 28th October 2020, 13:33.
                1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                • That's much better, and another layer of red paint before the rain came and I had to go to work. Should clean up a treat when I give it another rub down. It's not going to be as clean as my red MG Montego but at least I won't get covered in oil everytime I open the bonnet
                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 29th October 2020, 11:20.
                  1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                  1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                  1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                  2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                  2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                  • Starting to sort the oil pipe insulation as that's soaked in old oil
                    Attached Files
                    1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                    1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                    2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                    2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                    • All near ready to try aaaaaaaand flat battery, buggar
                      Attached Files
                      Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 7th November 2020, 12:10.
                      1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                      1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                      1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                      2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                      2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                      • Finished sorting the surface rust on my Consul, sorting a few things on my ZT V8 and Zodiac, so I'm back on to this car for awhile. Montego badge now on the car, sorting the broken rear seat pull and new old stock part going on tomorrow with luck as I couldn't find it till I got back home.
                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 26th November 2020, 11:40.
                        1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                        1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                        1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                        2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                        2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                        • Engine bay all now back in, air intake pipe and my fabricated oil pipe insulation. It's not immaculate like my red MG Montego but it's good enough for me. Fully charged battery and not starting. Sparking away like mad but a fuel issue. It's trying very hard to start up, primes etc but not enough fuel going into the bores so will be changing the fuel pump also tomorrow and see what that does. It's not the fuel relays as they're both working so will try changing the pump. Been like this since I got it back from the bodyshop so I've no idea atm what they did to it. They knackered the starter motor somehow so maybe they knackered the fuel pump as it's not run properly since I got it back
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 26th November 2020, 12:02.
                          1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                          1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                          1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                          2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                          2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                          • It's a pain when you can't fathom out what's going on. Currently having a problem tracing a non start on the wife's Renault Clio. It's been super reliable since new in 1999.

                            Will turn over on the starter but nothing after that. Battery fully charged. Argh!! (This all started when we had a morning frost two days ago, coincidence? )


                            • Originally posted by carfix View Post
                              It's a pain when you can't fathom out what's going on. Currently having a problem tracing a non start on the wife's Renault Clio. It's been super reliable since new in 1999.

                              Will turn over on the starter but nothing after that. Battery fully charged. Argh!! (This all started when we had a morning frost two days ago, coincidence? )
                              Is it sparking, fuel getting through?
                              Fitted the rear seat pull so that works properly now. Connected a new fuel pump and nothing coming through, so reconnected the old one and now fuel comes through so might be low as I still had the car in the air so put another gallon in it and put back on the floor. Still struggling to start so poured a little petrol into the bores and started up straight away and managed to keep it going. Sounds as though firing on three so after checking all plugs were sparking I connected up a spare fuel ecu. Started up better and got it running sort of, then improved a lot as it warmed up. Next thing fuel started to spill out of the fuel rail connections and fuel filter so too much pressure. I hadn't touched the rail and everything was tight, the fuel filter I had put the original clamps back on. Fitted a NOS pressure regulator and the rail stopped leaking but still coming out of the filter connections so a pair of jubilee clips to buy next, just hoping this has cured the problem and the return isn't blocked as that's possibly the next thing once I've sorted the filter leaks.
                              Be a couple of days before the next installment as working over the weekend and some of next week, also having a look at a possible MGZT V8 project tomorrow. See how that goes
                              Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 27th November 2020, 14:16.
                              1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                              1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                              1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                              2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                              2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                              • Well I bought the v8 so that's two I have now. Needs a bit of work but nothing can't handle. Got it cheap and included delivery next Sunday
                                Attached Files
                                1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                                1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                                1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                                2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                                2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox

