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  • Back again

    Just a up date from my welcome thread.
    As I can now start the car on a temporary wire job. Turned my attention to the sized back brakes. Had to use a three leg puller ,after remembering to remove the wheel bearing nut. So will be renewing back shoes and wheel cylinders.
    Had a good look around the car both sides now ,will be needing a CV boot and a small patch to floor for MOT test (hope fully). Will be doing a bit of fettelling tomorrow, if it stops raining .

  • #2
    Great design, rear shoes. A tiny bit of wear and you can't get the drums off. You would have thought they would have designed a better approach by now, but no.
    Ian Drew
    MG Maestro Turbo '400'
    MG ZT V8
    Rover 75 V6 Estate


    • #3
      they are usually not bad to get off, unless the handbrake lever has seized or been over adjusted. I think there is a slot in the back plate that you can release the autoadjusters through.


      • #4
        Thanks for your help, and yes the handbrake was left on .
        In fact the hole car was serviced 3 months before it was layed up. It was supposed to come off the road over winter but life got in the way.
        Hence why it sat in garage for 6 years, slowly getting more stuff pilled around the car.
        But now its coming back to life, spoken to garage this morn there nearly ready for it.
        But I am really enjoying working on car , just like old times when they were current.
        Although at the time it was a 1.3 maestro , not a 2.0efi.
        Thanks Alan.


        • #5
          Post some pics up Alan
          1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
          1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
          1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
          2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
          2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


          • #6
            I would love to took some photos on phone Sunday but not sure how to post them.
            On here!


            • #7
              Right here goes.


              • #8
                I will get some better ones when I am off week after next .
                Got rear brakes etc to do.


                • #9
                  Looks a cracker!
                  Ian Drew
                  MG Maestro Turbo '400'
                  MG ZT V8
                  Rover 75 V6 Estate


                  • #10
                    Thanks Ian, It is very ok, condition wise just been a bit neglected.
                    Which is very unusual for us, as my car - van are well looked after.
                    BUT we still kept holder of the maestro could have sold it a few times over ,( getting to be one of those cars , where's they have all gone)..
                    It will be back on road soon. Collecting parts and off work next week so get some more done next week. Keep everyone posted on here.
                    Plus always liked/ had maestro.

                    Thanks Alan.


                    • #11
                      Just a quick update, renewed rear brake shoes and cylinders, gone though front brakes, replaced one rear bulb . Got the 681 radio working, Will be going to garage for Mot next.
                      So it now moves and stops. First time in 6 years. Give a wash and clean next week.
                      Just got a couple of parts to get.
                      Then get ready for the body work next year (any body know a good body shop in North West).
                      If can get pictures to work I post them.
                      Thanks Alan.


                      • #12
                        Well the maestro is in the garage for a little work for the Mot and a good tune up. Should be back out this weekend.
                        Got to have fuel tank flushed and fuel pump replaced. Spark plugs replaced and hopefully back on the road .


                        • #13
                          Just a quick question does the O series engine have a lower cam belt cover.
                          I don't ever remember one fitted, but my mate thinks it had one. Last time they did cambelt.
                          Thanks Alan.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by efi 2.0 View Post
                            Just a quick question does the O series engine have a lower cam belt cover.
                            I don't ever remember one fitted, but my mate thinks it had one. Last time they did cambelt.
                            Thanks Alan.
                            Can't remember ever seeing one and none shown on parts list..


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by efi 2.0 View Post
                              Just a quick question does the O series engine have a lower cam belt cover.
                              I don't ever remember one fitted, but my mate thinks it had one. Last time they did cambelt.
                              Thanks Alan.
                              Nope, only a top cover
                              1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                              1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                              1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                              2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                              2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox

