One teacher told ICUs it was donated and it was the colleges but the other teacher said we was only doing repairs on it before it goes back to track days...
No announcement yet.
BLOG: race/rally MG Maestro 1600 - "Pink Panther"
No problemIt arrived 2-3weeks ago and I checked it out and thought it was sweet! I'm also a classic car owner although I'm not old enough to drive yet..
Yesterday we stuck it on the jump pack and it fired up first time, had it jacked up and the front discs + pads are low, they didnt stop the wheel moving when pedal was all the way down you could spin the wheel with your hands, I think it also needs two new tyres (they are very nice tyres!) I'll upload the picture of it I got
Last edited by Mrjayware; 19th April 2013, 15:22.
Great pic and update -thanks! Does the car get put inside overnight (and during periods of rain)? Like most rally cars, it won't be watertight and will rapidly get water pooling in the footwells (and external corrosion).
I know that I've got some more race brake pads but they are currently at Rockingham circuit in Corby TFN. However, there are probably more tyres (and possibly discs) in my stash of spares in Colchester (but getting to them may be difficult as they are all packed in some big boxes at the mo).
Could the 'poor braking' issue be due to the brakes needing bleeding? If possible, it would be preferable to change the brake fluid throughout the entire car (as it absorbs moisture over time).
Yes, the car lives in the workshop at all times, that pictures was when it had just been dropped off and we was shuffling cars about so it could go in the workshop.
The o/s/r tyre had a bit cut in the side wall, It still holds air but isn't very safe. We had it running aswell starts first time, sounds nice!!
When I was sitting in it there was nothing to the pedal so they could need bleeding, you will have to speak to the teachers at the college as what you want to us to do to it, we just get told what needs doing on it. We are the Young apprentice 16 year olds on a Thursday morning
If you can speak to the teacher/college and ask for us to do these jobs I'm sure they'll be done or if you know who it is you speak to I can have a word with them but as I'm only 16 the point might not get across..Last edited by Mrjayware; 20th April 2013, 08:52.
Quick update..
Had the rear brakes off this morning and they were all fine so they went back together, the front brakes were both fine but we copperslip'd them up while we have them off. The brakes defo need bleeding. Then we checked the o/s/f hub off as there was play in the wheel bearing so that was removed and we was just waiting for it to arrive when I left. What happens in the other 4 days I'm not the i don't know..
A picture from this morning
The sump is leaking thought the welds on it, the n/s/f knocking was due to the suspension unit being completely loose. The front panel is completely rusted under the paint, must of it looks to be surface rust. The n/s/f tyre has rubbed on the inner arches a few times as its bare metal, the passenger side floor rails have kissed the floor aswell and have lost all the underseal off it.
Sat in it when adjusting the handbrake and I've gotta say the are comfy! Seats still prefect for the car, felt proper nice sitting in it! Do you have any Idea what the two flick switches to the drivers side of the Heater controls do?Last edited by Mrjayware; 25th April 2013, 21:38.
Hi Jay & Leon,
Welcome onboard -and thanks v much for the excellent updates & photos above -keep 'em coming!
Originally posted by Mrjayware View PostDo you have any Idea what the two flick switches to the drivers side of the Heater controls do?
Regarding the windscreen crack, please could it be assessed to confirm:
a) If it is definitely an MoT failure e.g.
b) Whether it can be repaired (this will probably need photos of the crack and it s location on the screen to be shown to a windscreen fitting firm), as this will be a lot more economical than replacing the whole windscreen. The screen is laminated so it won't be cracked through the whole depth of the glass. Screens crack all the time in rallying due to the flexing of the bodyshell when it goes over bumps/jumps.
Also, would it be possible to trawl at the College for anyone who lives in Colchester, please? If you can find anyone (e.g. via College Newsletter or a plug on its Facebook page/website etc.) who lives or works down here then it would be v useful -I could meet up with them to hand over parts for the car (e.g. tyres and wheel bearings). i have a massive stock of MG parts here for this car, but the problem is getting them up to the college as & when they are needed.
The only other option would be if there was secure storage space in the college for the parts? I could bring them up in the van (2 massive cardboard boxes -each on its own forklift pallet).Last edited by John C; 27th November 2013, 16:00.
In terms of future events, the following might be of interest (all occur on 12 May): I'm hoping to enter this rally at Woodbridge, Ipswich in the Sierra (if we can get it ready in time!).
I can offer opportunities to join the team as Service Crew for this event, if anyone is interested?
This classic car run (for which both the Sierra and MG are eligible):
finishes up at this show (which I believe WSC exhibit at -because I met them there last year!):
How about exhibiting the MG at this show on the WSC stand?
Hi Leon,
That's a kind offer but I don't think I'll be able to get up this week because I'm flat out preparing for the MIDDLEWICK STAGES rally on 12 May -but future weeks may well be a goer. Is a 'Wednesday' the preferred day for you and your colleagues?
I spotted this which might be of use (if I can get a courier to shift it):
-but are you able to find a local windscreen fitter who would be willing to put it in at reasonable cost, please?Last edited by John C; 3rd May 2013, 21:18.
Leon has advised that:
a) a new wheel bearing is required for the O/S/F (the 1 piece bearings appear to be the best -see here for more info: )
b) the technicians and they have said it does not need brake pads
However, I already had a bid on some Rally brake pads on ebay unfortunately so I've bought them now anyway! I will get them mail ordered through to the college so that they can be kept with the car, and I'm sure that they'll get used in due course.
Leon -can you confirm the name & address that any parts should be mail ordered to, please?Last edited by John C; 10th May 2013, 16:55.
My old Car
First of all apologoes to John, he's tried hard to track me down since emergrating to Australia, but only now have i surfaced to help where I can.
Shame that project mobility couldnt get the car finished, but glad to see that there is an interest and she will get used. I brought her in late 1990's from the original owners who converted here to a rally car.
There should be an A4 box file that goes with the car that contains some history, as well as the V5 and the competition log book.
The history I know is that it was an ex challenge car, that was stripped and converted for rallying. The colour is Porche racing pink, and they did a great job, stripping the shell bare before a full respray. Theere were receipts for the many parts brought to convert her. She then had an active life as a stage rally car (hence the gravel rash underneath) but was never crashed, By the welding on the sump you can see she had some use.
I stripped and rebuilt her in the late 2000's with powdercoated and polybushed suspension, Leda's (they are tarmac spec only), and an LSD gearbox from a rally Maestro I brought in Manchester, complete for 100 pounds.
She only had one offical outing which was around 2005 in the north west stages at three sisters. She was totally outclassed, but for my first real rally - amazing. Since then she attended 1-2 trackdays per year, and even appeared twice in Practical Performance Cars magazine.
She is original, apart from the parts above, the engine is still untouched, and runs very well, revs hard to 6K, and would pull 100+ on a trackday at Angellsey.
I still have a new sump which I can pass on (still in rover packaging) to replace the damaged one.
Last time out we did have some smoke which we traced to the O/s front brake caliper, which may be why the pedal hit the floor. There is a new one in the spares package. Theres also a set of new Mintex 1144 brake pads (unscrubbed). The existing pads are EBC reds and have been on for 10+ years so won't wear out quickly.
Question appreciated.
Thanks Nick -excellent to hear from you! Your knowledge on this car (and what you did to/with it) is invaluable and will be a huge help with this project (especially as people with experience of engineering/running Maestros in motorsport are rare nowadays).
I've just spoken to Leon and he mentioned that the college's local Auto Factor had sent them a 1piece bearing but it needs a two-piece bearing, so I would suggest reading this thread:
Wheel bearing & hub wear issues
[and do also read the 'thread hyperlink' embedded within the above thread]
Originally posted by Nick1964 View PostShe only had one offical outing which was around 2005 in the north west stages at three sisters. She was totally outclassed, but for my first real rally - amazing.
There's no Maestro on the Entry List for the 2005 NW Stages, but there is a Maestro 1600 in the 2004 event. However, it was crewed by Brad Mason/Rod Brereton so must have been a different car:
The 2006 event also had a Maestro but it was a 2.0Efi:
75 M. Yale/ Derek Lewin MG Maestro 1998 C Pendle
There were no Maestros in the 2007 event.
Nick -can you remember any more details of the event (and the name of your co-driver), to help me track it down, plse?