When you click reply, or new thread, scroll to the bottom and you will see a button which says

"Manage Attachments"

Click on this button (if you have a pop up blocker you may need to disable it, as pressing the button will pop up a window)

You should now have the option to browse for the location of your file on your computer. Once you have found this click upload. You can upload a maximum of 5 files at anyone time.

If you have a Upload Error this will mean your file is too big. For the viewing pleasure of people their are restrictions in place.

The file needs to be less than 100Kb or smaller than 500 pixels wide.

Now you ask - How do I reduce my file size?

Many people use a program called Irfanview to resize as it is free and simple. This can be downloaded from here

If you are still unable to upload images to the forum please ask for help, we are a friendly forum and someone will be able to answer your question.