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Turbo Engine rebuild 20HC85

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  • Turbo Engine rebuild 20HC85

    Hello, After many years looking for a turbo engine in Spain, I finally found one from scrapping but when I disassembled it I found that it needed an almost complete reconstruction.
    The engine has this reference: 20HC85

    I removed the connecting rod bushings and it has a coppery color and the piston rings have a lot of gap.
    Where can I find compression and oil piston rings and connecting rod bushings?

    Another question I have is how can I know if the cylinders are in tolerance? What measures should I take?

    I have a 1992 carb engine and a 1993 efi engine, the EFI engine is in very good condition and I will use some parts if I can't find new ones.
    Is the crankshaft the same on all engines? the one on the turbo model has some worrying marks.

    I have a thousand more doubts which I am investigating little by little and I will comment in this post those that I am not able to solve by myself.

    Any advice and help is welcome, thank you very much
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Pistons, con rods etc are obviously different but piston rings are the same as an efi if standard BHM1531, main bearings are the same BHM1153, Thrust washer again the same BHM1295, Con rod Bearing is BHM1505. Carb, efi and turbo engine blocks are the same, the only difference with a turbo engine is the return hole for the turbo drain. I got mine moved from the original engine put into an carb block. Rimmers did have standard piston rings on their website. I was lucky in buying an unused carb engine with new bearings in it and used those.
    Although the conrod bearings have a different part number they were exactly the same as the carb ones after I had measured them. With your tolerances it would all depend on what needs to be done or if you're swopping things and how much is worn out.
    Crank has a different part number for a turbo but the part number is only listing a set including bearings and dowel and not only the crank. Part number for the crank set is BHM1584 superceded by LFT10007, efi and carb is BHM1583/LFT10006.
    Again I used the existing carb crank after measuring it as it was the same as the turbo crank, i'm guessing the part number difference is the con rod number being different to an efi/carb.
    As always check first before buying but Piston rings at std

    bearings are showing for a Rover 200 etc so check first ld=e82H3q7...e28fa7f54706fe
    in turkey

    Rimmers have standard and plus 10 in bearings BHM1153 and BHM115310 if you put those into their website
    Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 20th January 2023, 14:34.
    1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
    1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
    2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
    2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


    • #3
      I have a new set of rings if needed


      • #4

        Thanks Jeff for the information.
        With the engine completely disassembled and cleaned I took it to a machining workshop to check the tolerances and they asked me what the engine code is, I told them it is 20HC85 but in my workshop manual there are only references 20HF50 20H and 20HE15. Does anyone know what engine my engine code refers to?

        Thanks for the help.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Juanmacandel View Post

          Thanks Jeff for the information.
          With the engine completely disassembled and cleaned I took it to a machining workshop to check the tolerances and they asked me what the engine code is, I told them it is 20HC85 but in my workshop manual there are only references 20HF50 20H and 20HE15. Does anyone know what engine my engine code refers to?

          Thanks for the help.
          The later letters are later years engines. 20HA is a very early type engine that was re-worked and called 20HB. 20HC is about 1985-87, 20HE is 1989ish and would be the type that moved the oil way. The tolerances are not affected. 20 means 2 litre overhead cam. Your engine should have the number on the top of the block facing the front.
          1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
          1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
          1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
          2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
          2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


          • #6
            Hi everyone and thanks Jeff,

            Today I received a call from the machining workshop,
            Apparently the engine needs a new crankshaft as it has a crack and +0.1mm oversized pistons and rings. Connection rods are fine.

            Is there any way to get +0.1 pistons and rings?

            The crankshafts are the same if I'm not mistaken in efi and carb models.

            I am considering the possibility of sending my engine carb to see if it is in tolerance.



            • #7
              at the grinding machine they tell me that they are going to buy +0.25mm pistons and piston rings from the non-turbo model and they are going to lower the piston head to reduce the compression ratio. Does anyone know if it is possible to get these pistons? Thank you


              • #8
                Originally posted by Juanmacandel View Post
                at the grinding machine they tell me that they are going to buy +0.25mm pistons and piston rings from the non-turbo model and they are going to lower the piston head to reduce the compression ratio. Does anyone know if it is possible to get these pistons? Thank you
                Is the carb engine any good to make into a Turbo engine? Don't think you can lower the piston just like that as its a lot to remove and the sides would also need work, depending on your budget you can get a set of pistons made
                Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 19th August 2022, 12:52.
                1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                • #9

                  I finally got the bad news that the replacement engine also has a bad engine block. The grinding machine tells me that they are looking for oversize pistons and segments. Does anyone know if anyone sells oversized pistons for the turbo engine? Connecting rods and crankshaft are in good condition.

                  Thank you


                  • #10
                    I don't think you'll find any as they're now rare. Depending on your budget you can get pistons made to your own specifications which would include piston rings
                    1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                    1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                    1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                    2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                    2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                    • #11
                      Thanks for your quick response, Jeff. I'll wait a few days to see if they find a kit, if not I'll have to make custom pistons. Do you know why the connection between the connecting rod and the piston is different between the turbo model and the carb/efi?


                      • #12
                        Pistons will be different assume due to the higher output needed as efi is 115bhp and turbo 152
                        1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                        1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                        1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                        2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                        2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                        • #13
                          Finally the grinding workshop will eliminate the current cylinders and insert new cylinders and machine them because I have not been able to get pistons +0.25. I have a doubt, the turbo enfine has the hole for oil different than the carb engine but the cylinder head looks like the same. Can I use the carb engine with the turbo cylinder head and viceversa? What cylinder head gasket I must use?


                          • #14
                            The cylinder head for a turbo is not the same as an efi or carb engine. Valves are different. The carb engine can be use but you'll need to insert the turbo drain pipe at the back of it. The headgasket and manifold gaskets are turbo specific but you can use a good payen head gasket if needed. Manifold gasket had metal surrounds on the ports. If you use a cheap head gasket and manifold gasket they won't last long before they blow.
                            Last edited by Jeff Turbo; 31st October 2022, 17:43.
                            1958 Ford Consul Convertible. I love this car
                            1965 Ford Zodiac Executive. Fab cruiser being restored
                            1997 Jaguar Xk8 Convertible. Such a fab car
                            2004 MGZT cdti. Great workhorse
                            2004 MGZT V8. Black now with new engine and gearbox


                            • #15
                              Thanks Jeff, the problem is that my carb engine block y from 1991 and the turbo engine block is 1985 and the hole that transmit oil for the cylinder head is different between both.

                              żI must to use a head gasket with the oil hole oval or cylindrical?

                              The turbo cylinder head from 1985 can works with the block from 1991 with cylindrical hole and head gasket with cylindrical hole?

