Have just finished converting my Series III Landy to a Montego engine & got it on the road today - at first everything seemed fine though power seemed somewhat lacking - then after about half a mile it began to run rough, lost all power & cut out
Seemed like a fuel problem - so undid bleed screw on filter & tried priming lift pump - seemed to be very little resistance on priming button, but by pushing hard to the very bottom several dozen times I eventually got fuel to the bleed screw & tightened off & engine re-started - Got about a mile this time when deaccelerating for traffic lights it did it again
also noted it had begun to smoke badly as it lost power, though exhaust was clear just after starting. After a further three repititions of this procedure I got back home & called it a day
Now I did have problem with said pump during rebuild & opened it up to check - outlet non-return valve had dropped out, so put it back & center punched four spots to secure - also checked diapraghm which seemed a bit aged but looked OK - put it back together & all seemed fine
To me the pump is the obvious culprit, but I have never liked the system of repair by "keep replacing items til its fixed"
- I like to be sure! Can anyone confirm my suspicions or is there anything I have overlooked?
Regards - Nick

Seemed like a fuel problem - so undid bleed screw on filter & tried priming lift pump - seemed to be very little resistance on priming button, but by pushing hard to the very bottom several dozen times I eventually got fuel to the bleed screw & tightened off & engine re-started - Got about a mile this time when deaccelerating for traffic lights it did it again

Now I did have problem with said pump during rebuild & opened it up to check - outlet non-return valve had dropped out, so put it back & center punched four spots to secure - also checked diapraghm which seemed a bit aged but looked OK - put it back together & all seemed fine
To me the pump is the obvious culprit, but I have never liked the system of repair by "keep replacing items til its fixed"

Regards - Nick