Not long before they closed Cowley down there were loads of these "Montego Vans" running around down there on site. They were mainly 1300cc petrol with 14" wheels on. There were 2000cc Diesels a, few 1600cc petrols and we even saw one with the 2700cc 24v Honda engine in it! ( a la Rover 827)
No announcement yet.
'84 1.3L Maestro, 27,000 miles
Great MG1600 but a bit overpriced
The black MG1600 is being sold in Devon. Yes it looks amazing but the seller will be having trouble selling it because he wants nearly £1000 for it and it isn't really worth any more than £400.
I bought my MG1600 for £295 with 52K, one owner, totally original features, 6 months MOT, original handbook and virtually no rust. Since then it has passed two MOTs without needing any work so it has saved me tonnes of cash in MOT repairs.
My MG 1600 cost me £295 - this photo was taken the day I bought it before I cleaned it up.Last edited by matthewsemple; 6th June 2003, 21:02.
Re: Great MG1600 but a bit overpriced
£295...Is that all? Still, most traders just seem to want rid of Maestros as quickly as possible regardless.
PS: Did 2.0 MGs ever have the 1600 style grilles with 'clip-on' badges?
1989 MG Maestro Turbo no.399
1994 Maestro Clubman Turbo Diesel
MG 1600 prices
Originally posted by M170 RFA
£295...Is that all? Still, most traders just seem to want rid of Maestros as quickly as possible regardless.
PS: Did 2.0 MGs ever have the 1600 style grilles with 'clip-on' badges?
When I was looking for mine I saw about 6 advertised in the paper and on the internet and they were all £295 and most were Silverleaf wheras Zircon Blue looks a bit better and is more unusual. I went to see one car with 174,000 miles, lots of rust and dodgy boy-racer additions and that one was £295 as well!
MG1600 which was stolen/recovered had 174K and lots of dodgy styling - being sold by a scrapyard for £295 (complete with factory fitted sunroof and electric windows)
All 2.0 litre MG Maestros had the wider slatted grilles with the built in badge holder and colour-coding.
Very early EFi with digital dash but colour-coded grilleLast edited by matthewsemple; 7th June 2003, 13:31.
MG 1600 maestro
Maybe the owner thinks the car is worth 1ooo quid or he his trying 2 get money back that he has spent on the car.Either way i think a large bump down 2 earth is about 2 happen.Hope the car goes 2 an appricative owner though,and not a boy racer,just passed his/her test who wreck the car.
84 maeatro on ebay
I have not long shown my better halfs mum the photo of the 1,3 that was on ebay.Apparantly it looks from the back ,just like our Tipo. Ithen showed her the red MG futher down the page.This looks a bit like her pld fiesta ???.!!!!!.What can i say. What can anyone say.?
Mistaken identity
Gosh my MG Maestro Turbo looks like a Fiesta! That's not much of a compliment!
On a better note - I took my car round to my friend's house the other day and his mum came out to look at the car and she said "wow, an MG - that's posh, is it new?" she couldn't believe that it was 13 years old.
Just to confirm that no 500 is not a Fiesta take a look at these engine shots:
Never seen a Fiesta with anything like this under the bonnet
Last edited by matthewsemple; 11th June 2003, 21:28.
Before Cowley closed down there were quite a lot of those "Montego Vans" running around there. They were mainly 1300cc petrol versions and some 2000cc Diesels.There were a few 1600cc "S" series petrols as well (we had a((maestro)) one at work)We also saw one with a Honda 2700cc V6 (from the 827/Sterling) shoehorned into the front!, in the technical training college but unfortunately it wasn't running. None of the above "Montego Vans" were registered at the time and i presume they were used as on site transport vehicles.
Why a Montego Van
I had heard of these Montego vans and presumed they were Montego Estates with no rear windows. That picture is great
Originally posted by BIGLAD
We also saw one with a Honda 2700cc V6 (from the 827/Sterling) shoehorned into the front!
However it puzzles me why there were Montego Vans used for this purpose as they would have attracted attention and not really made effective mules, so why not use Montego saloons or estates?
Does anyone have an insiders view/explanation?