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MG Car Meet

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  • MG Car Meet

    Is it the MG car show this weekend just outside Coventry and if so is any one going?

  • #2
    No it's in almost exactly a month's time, I think you've confused June and July. That's probably not a bad thing though because the weather this weekend's not going to be anything special anyway.

    I'm sure lots of us will be going because it's always a good day out, especially if you like the MGs (including ZR/S/T) and modified cars.

    Zoe who takes care of our events diary asked me to post a reminder to any members wishing to attend the Nostalgia Show or the Knebworth Classic Car show on July 27th and August 24th respectively. You need passes for these but she's only got a few left.
    Jonathan Sellars

    1987 MG Maestro 2.0 EFi
    2011 Jaguar XJ


    • #3
      And I shan't be going to Nene Park this year because by then I'll be on my.......

      wait for it.........


      M&MOC Committee Member - Archivist
      Join the M&MOC | Visit the Club Shop | Printable Club Flyer (PDF)


      • #4
        Don't do it...............

        That's possibly the best excuse anyone could ever come up with for not attending an (unspecified) event. Good luck! When's the big day? And where?

        The other other Rich.
        Rich Smith

        "Joe", aka "The Ryton Express", aka E838 VJO. Peugeot 309SR main car
        "Kryten", aka A560 SCW. Left hand drive MG Maestro 1600 'R' second in command
        "Fleagle", aka F929 NNA. Montego 1.6L saloon stored, status "doubts set in"
        "Cracow", aka CCW 925Y Maestro Vanden Plas - the oldest known to the Club stored, status "will fight another day - eventually"

        You can email me here


        • #5
          Congratualations Simon!!

          We'll miss you at Nene Park - but i'm sure we can make an exception!



          • #6
            can u re,arranged the honeymoon so it does not clash ,me think your prorites are wrong:laugh:
            Tony Hague

            A clear enthusiast - or a nutter?


            • #7
              You are going to be bringing your Montego cabriolet along with you aren't you, Tony. I'd particularly like to see and photograph that. Have it ready in time for MG'M' next month though and I promise you won't be left alone for the duration of the day
              Jonathan Sellars

              1987 MG Maestro 2.0 EFi
              2011 Jaguar XJ


              • #8
                i will bring it even if i have to drag it there with my teeth,spent6 hours welding new sill and wheel arch and bits on the drivers side ,got to do it all again on the passanger side ,. :laugh:
                Tony Hague

                A clear enthusiast - or a nutter?


                • #9
                  Hi all, sorry for the ignorance but it'll be my first year of shows and I was just wondering if you have to book in advance to attend MG 'M' and the BL rally, or do you just turn up and pay on the day?


                  • #10
                    I would like to know this too, as I need time to get F170 GGT running well enough to make that 133 mile journey! :laugh:
                    Steve Worsley

                    R514 RVJ - 1998 Rover Maestro 1.3 - Restoration
                    VX12 EBG - 2012 MG-6 GT 1.8T SE - Stored
                    J209 PEL - 1991 Rover Maestro 1.3 Clubman - Running


                    • #11
                      It varies depending on the event. For MG'M' you just turn up and pay your £8. You can do the same for the BL Rally but I'd recommend booking in advance. Anyone wanting a scan of the form for that can email me (Zoe's computer is currently defunct) and I'll oblige.

                      Most details should be on the events page:

                      Jonathan Sellars

                      1987 MG Maestro 2.0 EFi
                      2011 Jaguar XJ


                      • #12
                        I'm getting married at Bromham Baptist Church (Bromham, Bedfordshire) on Friday 1st August at 1pm. Yes, I'd have loved to come to BL rally but there'll always be one next year, and in any case I'm looking forward to meet up with people at MG Saloon Day.
                        M&MOC Committee Member - Archivist
                        Join the M&MOC | Visit the Club Shop | Printable Club Flyer (PDF)


                        • #13
                          good luck with the wedding m8,we can always bring the meet to your wedding
                          Tony Hague

                          A clear enthusiast - or a nutter?


                          • #14
                            Cool! That really would be a sight to behold, but in reality I will be posting a picture of my car fitted with the wedding car ribbons etc, and I bet someone will tie a load of old cans, boots and the like to the back - you never know it might make the car handle better! Hope nobody pulls the other traditional wedding day car related stunt, ie that of placing a haddock etc under the back seat.
                            M&MOC Committee Member - Archivist
                            Join the M&MOC | Visit the Club Shop | Printable Club Flyer (PDF)


                            • #15
                              the last wedding i went to we put blocks of wood under the axels when they got in the car it was like they had lost drive,very funny:laugh:
                              Tony Hague

                              A clear enthusiast - or a nutter?

